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6ft x 25ft Beige Fence Privacy Screen, Commercial Outdoor Backyard Shade Windscreen Mesh Fabric with brass Gromment 85% Blockage- 3 Years Warranty

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Product Highlights
  • Fits perfectly for “6ft” tall fence, Zip tie include
  • Knitted with 100% High quality PURE polyethylene material,”85%” UV Resistant
  • Perfect for Home, Court, Pool, Garden Yard or Construction,commercial grand
  • Brass RUST FREE grommets placed evenly on all 4 sides,3 grommets placement on every corner edge for extra strength.
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Product Application


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Edge detail

Black Hemming with brass grommets, Extra Buckles in the corner and other 1 grommets near the corner with 1.5 ft distance

UV Block/Vision Block(85%)

Manufactured from HD Polyethylene with UV Protection, durable enough to withstand long time outdoor use in the sun. You can choose from 3 different qualities of material, also known as “GSM,” grams per square meter referring to the weight and thickness of the fabric. Our screens provide >85% UV blockage and vision blockage from sun rays, which helps create privacy, shading, and prevent heat buildup.

Wind Block/Dust Block(40%)

Our fence screens also serve a purpose to reduce wind velocity and block dust particles. Reducing wind speeds decreases the number of airborne particles that accumulates from material handling operations such as stockpiles, stack-out conveyors, truck, rail or loader dump pockets, conveyor lines and load out silos. Our fence screens are designed to drastically reduce wind velocity and particle movement, thus minimizing fugitive dust emissions with consistent reliable results. Less wind can result in a lower need for structural steel.

How It Works

The windscreen exerts a drag force on oncoming wind velocities. This allows a portion of the wind volume to penetrate through the screen as well as deflect the remainder of the wind to the surrounding sheltered area. Subsequently, the velocity lowers to the point required to initiate particle movement. Air passing through the screen is referred to as "displacement flow.” Both are determined by the permeability of the screen. Solid, non-porous "dust covers" or "wind walls" can worsen the problem by creating a low-pressure zone at the dust source. Air will move from a high to low pressure area, increasing velocities and airborne particulate.

Weather Application

Usage is recommended for normal weather. The material begins to stretch naturally when the surface temperature of the product exceeds 131-degrees Fahrenheit, and the elongation continues with the increase of temperature, up to 50%. We will not be held liable for damages that incur due to acts of nature, such as severe windstorms, rainstorms, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. If severe weather is forecasted, we highly suggest taking down the screen to sustain its longevity.

Sound- Resistance

As it gets warmer and people emerge from their winter hibernation into the summer sun, noise always becomes an issue. This is especially true when it comes to backyard noise in residential neighborhoods. To solve this problem, you can reduce outdoor noise with a sound blocking fence. The source of the noise can be cookouts, pool pumps, air conditioning units, young children, pets, or number of other things. Regardless of whether you’re the one making the noise or the one trying to enjoy some quiet time one yard over, we recommend a sound blocking fence. Also referred to as a sound resistance fence, these sound barriers absorb noise and can also block it from transferring between properties.


Note: The following data was gathered in a tested environment, please note the values may be inconsistent if the product is used under different conditions.


Fabric: HDPE Polyethylene Material

GSM: 140, 180, and 220

Construction: Knitted

Tensile strength:  50 cN/tex

Specific Gravity 0.89 - 0.96 g/cm

UV Blockage:  > 85%

Water Permeable:     Yes

Water Absorption:  0.005-0.01

Wind Blockage:   50% - 70%

Material Break Strength:   400LBS/ft

Crystalline Melt Point:       120 C - 180 c / 248F – 356 F

Composition of UV Inhibitor Yes

Flammable:  Yes

Fire Resistance:  None

Reflective Rate:   Black 13% -15%   /   white 85%-90%

Acidity and Alkalinity Resistant:    Yes

Temperature Range:   -20C to 55C / -4F to 131F

Mildew Resistant: Yes



Outdoor Use

Privacy screen for swimming pool, tennis courts, baseball fields, residential fences, special events, or creating any privacy barrier of any type any where


Industry/Commercial Use

Construction sites, shading, sound-proofing, dust control, wind reduction, etc.


Farming/Garden Use

Protect plants from snow, hail, or frost in the winter

Provide biting protection for your plants from insects, rabbits, and other animals. 

Trap heat and moisture to speed germination and plant growth 


Pet keeping/Breeding Use

 Moderate sun blockage with ambient lightsound proof, wind reduction, and adequate air circulationetc.


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